Showing posts with label DVD File. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DVD File. Show all posts

Into the Blu

As most everyone should know by now, in just a few days Criterion will officially be bringing Brakhage back into the home with their blu-ray (re)release of the first and a second volume of his work.  To celebrate the release in the coming week I will be posting various past critical writings from both Brakhage and other scholars dealing with films included in the release, as well as any reviews of the release itself that are sure to be forthcoming.  A few reviews have already started trickling out:


Marilyn Brakhage's eloquent introduction to the release can be found here...


First Update:

- DVD Talk review

- DVD Beaver review

- DVD File review

- Home Theater review  

Second Update:

- Slant Magazine 

- DVD Verdict

- Criterion Forum 

- DVD Movie Central

Third Update:

- Groucho Reviews

- DVD Clinic Review  (I debated on whether or not to even bother putting this up, as it is flat out embarrassing, but for the sake of being thorough here it is...)

- We're An American Blog

Thoughts on First Update:
Though these reviews don't really provide any sort of critical insight whatsoever, I think the first at least is an honest and worthwhile reaction from someone previously unfamiliar with the work, a reaction I imagine will be shared by many upon first encounter (though please don't allow the appearance of these works online to negatively affect your decision).

Thoughts on Second Update:
The Slant Magazine review may be the most substantial thus far, and while it too is more of a general appraisal the approach is largely level-headed and fair.  The most significant quibble to be had in any of these reviews so far would be the last, in which the reviewer tries to draw a connection between Dadaism and Brakhage, which is extremely tenuous at best. 


This also can serve as another opportunity to gives thanks to all those who worked towards making this release a reality, most of all Marilyn Brakhage, who has no doubt sacrificed a great deal of time and effort to give us all the opportunity to have these invaluable works so close at hand...